How big is too big you may ask?  Well Sheyla Hershey of Houston, Texas thinks that 38KKK breast implants aren’t big enough.  She recently had over 7000 cc’s of silicone pumped into her breasts and has recorded the world record for largest breast implants as reported by Fox News. She looks forward to even more surgery and having over 10,000 cc’s in total silicone added to her breasts.

Now I’m a man.  I like breasts and far be it for me to judge Sheyla as I don’t know her or the type of person she is, but for health reasons, I think she has more than enough silicone in her body.  I’m not sure of her reasons for doing all of this, but it has been reported that she dumped her boyfriend, because he did not want her to have any more breast enhancements.

“To me, big is beautiful. I don’t think I have anything to worry about.” – Sheyla Hershey

I loved him very much but I had to leave him to follow my dream.” – Sheyla Hershey

Because of the legal limits of breast implants in America, Sheyla had to go to Brazil to have the procedure done.  People are bashing this 28 year old, young lady, calling her some of the foulest names in the book, and I’m pretty sure none of them know her.  It’s fine to state our own opinions, but really, the name calling isn’t necessary.

I am in no way condoning her procedures and if my daughter decided to go this route, I wouldn’t be too happy. But in the end, it would be her decision as it is Sheyla’s and although I wouldn’t like it, I would not be calling her a slut and whore.

I really think the doctors that performed the surgery should be held liable for any health issues down the road for Sheyla, because I’m sure they know the risks and did it for the money anyhow.

Good luck Sheyla and I hope you find happiness in something other than breast implants.